This historical painting by the great Kyle Field has taken on great significance in our little household. Whatever his original intentions, or non-intentions, sitting there doodling ink at the kitchen table in 2001, he delivered the perspective-skewing eye contact of this floating head that has been with us for about 20 years now. It’s a signifier of wonder, not knowing, befuddlement, weird beauty, malice and rapture. It’s a symbol of whatever you want, but around here that’s what it’s for. I look at it and feel love. Maybe for you it could just be a shirt that says “I like the music that goes with this picture, wink wink fellow nerds.”
These simple wordless shirts are “scuba blue” with a slightly lighter blue print.
The shirts are extravagant 100% heavy organic cotton, made in the USA. The brand is “Royal Apparel”. Here is the sizing chart.